Category: Yoel Ausch

Cantorial recitations by Cantor Yoel Ausch

Cantor Yoel Ausch at a dinner for Boyan institutions in New York:

Cantor Yoel Ausch Singing “Eilu Devarim” From Mordechai Hershman, accompanied by Mezamrim Choir led by Chillu Posen, at a Bar Mitzvah in Williamsburg:

Cantor Yaakov Lemmer and newly upcoming Cantor Yoel Ausch Singing “Raza D’Shabbos” From Cantor Pierre

Ba’avur Dovid – Shira Choir Ft. Cantor Yoel Ausch

It’s not every day that a musical composition merits the opportunity to be performed by a vocalist the caliber of Chazan Yoel Ausch. But a melody composed by legendary cantor Joseph Rumshinsky deserves the best vocal representation.

Engaging the room and the rafters around him to belt out a