Selichot 5780 – 2020 Roundup
This year’s Selichot at the Great Synagogue took on a new form as the choir gathered for an outdoor service and their conductor, Eli Jaffe, served in a dual role as Chazan and conductor:
סליחות 2020 Slichot
Posted by Elli Jaffe on Saturday, 12 September 2020
Local government regulations that allow gathering of 100 people didn’t deter Central Synagogue from holding it’s annual Sleichot Service with Chazan Shimon Farkas, acomppanied by Chazan Yehuda Niasoff and band:
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Cantor Sol Zim:
Cantor Israel Rand accompanied by Rafi Biton:
IDF Chief Cantor Shai Abramson:
Cantor Tzvi Weiss: